
Premessa 148

Recital 148

(148) Sabiex jissaħħaħ l-infurzar tar-regoli ta‘ dan ir-Regolament, għandhom jiġu imposti pieni inklużi multi amministrattivi għal kwalunkwe ksur ta‘ dan ir-Regolament, flimkien mal-miżuri adatti imposti mill-awtorità superviżorja skont dan ir-Regolament jew minflokhom.

F’każ ta‘ ksur minuri jew jekk il-multa li x’aktarx li tiġi imposta tikkostitwixxi piż sproporzjonat għal persuna fiżika, tista‘ tinħareġ twissija minflok multa.

Madankollu, għandha tingħata l-kunsiderazzjoni dovuta għan-natura, is-serjetà u d-dewmien tal-ksur, il-karattru intenzjonali tal-ksur, l-azzjonijiet meħuda biex itaffu d-danni sofruti, il-grad ta‘ responsabbiltà jew kwalunkwe ksur preċedenti rilevanti, il-mod li bih il-ksur sar magħruf mill-awtorità superviżorja, il-konformità ma‘ miżuri ordnati kontra l-kontrollur jew il-proċessur, l-aderenza għal kodiċi ta‘ kondotta u kwalunkwe fattur aggravanti jew mitiganti ieħor.

L-impożizzjoni ta‘ pieni inklużi multi amministrattivi għandha tkun soġġetta għal salvagwardji proċedurali adatti f’konformità mal-prinċipji ġenerali tal-liġi tal-Unjoni u l-Karta, inkluż protezzjoni ġudizzjarja effettiva u proċess ġust.

(148) In order to strengthen the enforcement of the rules of this Regulation, penalties including administrative fines should be imposed for any infringement of this Regulation, in addition to, or instead of appropriate measures imposed by the supervisory authority pursuant to this Regulation.

In a case of a minor infringement or if the fine likely to be imposed would constitute a disproportionate burden to a natural person, a reprimand may be issued instead of a fine.

Due regard should however be given to the nature, gravity and duration of the infringement, the intentional character of the infringement, actions taken to mitigate the damage suffered, degree of responsibility or any relevant previous infringements, the manner in which the infringement became known to the supervisory authority, compliance with measures ordered against the controller or processor, adherence to a code of conduct and any other aggravating or mitigating factor.

The imposition of penalties including administrative fines should be subject to appropriate procedural safeguards in accordance with the general principles of Union law and the Charter, including effective judicial protection and due process.