ONOOÚ (GDPR) > Članak 84.. Sankcije

Članak 84. GDPR. Sankcije

Article 84 GDPR. Penalties

1. Države članice utvrđuju pravila o ostalim sankcijama koje se primjenjuju na kršenja odredaba ove Uredbe, te poduzimaju sve potrebne mjere kako bi se osigurala njihova provedba. Te sankcije moraju biti učinkovite, proporcionalne i odvraćajuće.

1. Member States shall lay down the rules on other penalties applicable to infringements of this Regulation in particular for infringements which are not subject to administrative fines pursuant to Article 83, and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented. Such penalties shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.

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2. Svaka država članica priopćuje Komisiji odredbe svojih zakona koje je donijela u skladu sa stavkom 1. do 25. svibnja 2018. i bez odgađanja o svakoj sljedećoj izmjeni koja na njih utječe.

2. Each Member State shall notify to the Commission the provisions of its law which it adopts pursuant to paragraph 1, by 25 May 2018 and, without delay, any subsequent amendment affecting them.

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(149) Države članice trebale bi imati mogućnost propisati pravila o kaznenim sankcijama za kršenja ove Uredbe, uključujući i kršenja nacionalnih pravila donesenih na temelju ove Uredbe i unutar njezinih granica. Te kaznene sankcije mogu obuhvaćati i oduzimanje dobiti stečene kršenjem ove Uredbe. Međutim, izricanje kazni za povrede takvih nacionalnih pravila i upravnih sankcija ne bi smjelo dovesti do kršenja načela ne bis in idem, kako ga tumači Sud.

(149) Member States should be able to lay down the rules on criminal penalties for infringements of this Regulation, including for infringements of national rules adopted pursuant to and within the limits of this Regulation. Those criminal penalties may also allow for the deprivation of the profits obtained through infringements of this Regulation. However, the imposition of criminal penalties for infringements of such national rules and of administrative penalties should not lead to a breach of the principle of ne bis in idem, as interpreted by the Court of Justice.

(152) Ako ovom Uredbom nisu usklađene upravne novčane kazne ili ako je to potrebno u drugim slučajevima, primjerice u slučajevima teških kršenja ove Uredbe, države članice trebale bi uvesti sustav kojim se predviđaju učinkovite, proporcionalne i odvraćajuće sankcije. Prirodu tih sankcija kaznenih ili upravnih, trebalo bi odrediti pravom države članice.

(152) Where this Regulation does not harmonise administrative penalties or where necessary in other cases, for example in cases of serious infringements of this Regulation, Member States should implement a system which provides for effective, proportionate and dissuasive penalties. The nature of such penalties, criminal or administrative, should be determined by Member State law.

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