GDPR > Airteagal 34. Sárú i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta a chur in iúl don ábhar sonraí
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Airteagal 34 RGCS (GDPR). Sárú i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta a chur in iúl don ábhar sonraí

Article 34 GDPR. Communication of a personal data breach to the data subject

1. I gcás sárú i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta ar dóchúil go mbeadh ardriosca ann dá bharr do chearta agus do shaoirsí daoine nádúrtha, cuirfidh an rialaitheoir in iúl don ábhar sonraí, gan mhoill mhíchuí, gur tharla an sárú sin.

1. When the personal data breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, the controller shall communicate the personal data breach to the data subject without undue delay.

2. Nuair a chuirtear in iúl don ábhar sonraí gur tharla sárú, mar a thagraítear dó i mír 1 den Airteagal seo, tabharfar tuairisc i bhfriotal soiléir, follasach, ar chineál an tsáraithe i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta lena n-áirítear ar a laghad an fhaisnéis agus na bearta dá dtagraítear i bpointe (b), i bpointe (c) agus i bpointe (d) d’Airteagal 33(3).

2. The communication to the data subject referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall describe in clear and plain language the nature of the personal data breach and contain at least the information and measures referred to in points (b), (c) and (d) of Article 33(3).

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3. Ní bheidh gá leis an eolas sin a chur in iúl mar a thagraítear dó i mír 1 má chomhlíontar aon cheann de na coinníollacha seo a leanas:

3. The communication to the data subject referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be required if any of the following conditions are met:

(a) go bhfuil bearta iomchuí cosanta, idir theicneolaíoch agus eagraíochtúil, curtha chun feidhme ag an rialaitheoir agus gur cuireadh na bearta sin i bhfeidhm maidir leis na sonraí pearsanta a raibh tionchar ag an sárú i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta orthu, go háirithe na bearta sin a fhágann nach mbeidh duine ar bith nach bhfuil údaraithe chun rochtain a fháil ar na sonraí pearsanta in ann iad a thuiscint, amhail criptiú;

(a) the controller has implemented appropriate technical and organisational protection measures, and those measures were applied to the personal data affected by the personal data breach, in particular those that render the personal data unintelligible to any person who is not authorised to access it, such as encryption;

(b) gur ghlac an rialaitheoir bearta ina dhiaidh sin lena n-áiritheofaí nach móide go dtarlódh an t-ardriosca do chearta ná do shaoirsí na n-ábhar sonraí mar a thagraítear dó i mír 1 a thuilleadh; nó

(b) the controller has taken subsequent measures which ensure that the high risk to the rights and freedoms of data subjects referred to in paragraph 1 is no longer likely to materialise;

(c) go mbeadh iarracht neamhréireach ag teastáil chuige. I gcás den sórt sin, eiseofar teachtaireacht phoiblí nó glacfar beart atá comhchosúil leis trína dtabharfar fógra do na hábhar sonraí ar bhealach atá chomh héifeachtúil céanna.

(c) it would involve disproportionate effort. In such a case, there shall instead be a public communication or similar measure whereby the data subjects are informed in an equally effective manner.

4. Más rud é nár chuir an rialaitheoir in iúl fós an sárú i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta don ábhar sonraí, féadfaidh an t-údarás maoirseachta, tar éis breithniú a dhóchúla atá sé go dtarlódh ardriosca de bharr an tsáraithe i dtaca le sonraí pearsanta, a cheangal air é a chur in iúl nó féadfaidh sé a chinneadh go bhfuil aon cheann de na coinníollacha dá dtagraítear i mír 3 á chomhlíonadh.

4. If the controller has not already communicated the personal data breach to the data subject, the supervisory authority, having considered the likelihood of the personal data breach resulting in a high risk, may require it to do so or may decide that any of the conditions referred to in paragraph 3 are met.

ISO 27701 Съображения Насоки и съдебна практика Оставете коментар
ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added a requirement additional to ISO/IEC 27002, section 16.1.1.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 34 GDPR: Responsibilities and procedures

Implementation guidance

As part of the overall information security incident management process, the organization should establish responsibilities and procedures for the identification and recording of breaches of PII. Additionally, the organization should establish responsibilities and procedures related to notification to required parties of PII breaches (including the timing of such notifications) and the disclosure to authorities, taking into account the applicable legislation and/or regulation.

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(75) Maidir leis na rioscaí i dtaca le cearta agus saoirsí daoine nádúrtha, ar rioscaí iad lena ngabhann dóchúlacht agus déine éagsúil, mar thoradh ar phróiseáil sonraí pearsanta as damáiste fisiciúil, ábhartha nó neamhábhartha, go háirithe sna cásanna seo a leanas: i gcás ina n-eascródh idirdhealú, goid aitheantais nó calaois aitheantais, caillteanas airgeadais, damáiste don chlú, caillteanas rúndacht na sonraí pearsanta sin atá faoi chosaint de réir rúndacht ghairmiúil, aisiompú neamhúdaraithe cur i bhfeidhm ainm bréige, nó aon mhíbhuntáiste eacnamaíoch nó sóisialta eile atá suntasach as an bpróiseáil; i gcás ina bhféadfadh sé go ndéanfaí cearta agus saoirsí na n-ábhar sonraí a cheilt orthu nó go gcoisfí iad ó rialú a dhéanamh ar fheidhmiú a gcuid sonraí pearsanta; i gcás ina ndéantar próiseáil ar shonraí pearsanta lena léirítear tionscnamh ciníoch nó eitneach, tuairimí polaitiúla, creideamh reiligiúnach nó fealsúnach, ballraíocht i gceardchumann, agus próiseáil sonraí géiniteacha, sonraí a bhaineann leis an tsláinte nó sonraí a bhaineann le saol gnéis nó le ciontuithe coiriúla agus cionta nó le bearta slándála gaolmhara; i gcás ina ndéantar meastóireacht ar ghnéithe pearsanta, go háirithe anailísiú nó tuar ar ghnéithe maidir le feidhmiú ag an obair, maidir leis an staid eacnamaíoch, sláinte, roghanna nó leas pearsanta, iontaofacht nó iompraíocht, suíomh nó gluaiseachtaí, chun próifílí pearsanta a chruthú nó a úsáid; i gcás ina ndéantar próiseáil ar shonraí pearsanta daoine nádúrtha leochaileacha, go háirithe leanaí; nó i gcás ina bhfuil cainníocht mhór sonraí pearsanta i gceist leis an bpróiseáil agus ina mbíonn tionchar ag an bpróiseáil sin ar líon mór ábhar sonraí.

(75) The risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, of varying likelihood and severity, may result from personal data processing which could lead to physical, material or non-material damage, in particular: where the processing may give rise to discrimination, identity theft or fraud, financial loss, damage to the reputation, loss of confidentiality of personal data protected by professional secrecy, unauthorised reversal of pseudonymisation, or any other significant economic or social disadvantage; where data subjects might be deprived of their rights and freedoms or prevented from exercising control over their personal data; where personal data are processed which reveal racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, data concerning health or data concerning sex life or criminal convictions and offences or related security measures; where personal aspects are evaluated, in particular analysing or predicting aspects concerning performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences or interests, reliability or behaviour, location or movements, in order to create or use personal profiles; where personal data of vulnerable natural persons, in particular of children, are processed; or where processing involves a large amount of personal data and affects a large number of data subjects.

(86) Ba cheart don rialaitheoir sárú i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta a chur in iúl don ábhar sonraí, gan aon mhoill mhíchuí, nuair is dócha go mbeadh ardriosca do chearta agus do shaoirsí an duine nádúrtha ag gabháil leis an sárú sin i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta, ionas go bhféadfaidh sé nó sí na réamhchúraimí is gá a dhéanamh. Sa chumarsáid, ba cheart tuairisc a thabhairt ar chineál an tsáraithe i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta chomh maith le moltaí a thabhairt don duine nádúrtha lena mbaineann aon éifeachtaí díobhálacha a d'fhéadfadh a bheith ag gabháil leis an sárú a mhaolú. Ba cheart cumarsáidí den sórt sin a dhéanamh leis na hábhair sonraí chomh luath agus is féidir agus i ndlúthchomhar leis an údarás maoirseachta, agus urramú á thabhairt an t-am céanna do threoraíocht a thugann an t-údarás maoirseachta nó a thugann údaráis ábhartha eile amhail údaráis formfheidhmithe dlí. Mar shampla, maidir leis an ngá atá ann riosca láithreach go ndéanfaí damáiste a mhaolú, d'éileofaí cumarsáid a dhéanamh leis na hábhair sonraí go pras ach maidir leis an ngá bearta iomchuí a chur chun feidhme i gcoinne sáruithe leanúnacha i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta nó i gcoinne sáruithe comhchosúla i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta, féadfaidh bonn cirt a bheith ag baint le níos mó ama don chumarsáid.

(86) The controller should communicate to the data subject a personal data breach, without undue delay, where that personal data breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of the natural person in order to allow him or her to take the necessary precautions. The communication should describe the nature of the personal data breach as well as recommendations for the natural person concerned to mitigate potential adverse effects. Such communications to data subjects should be made as soon as reasonably feasible and in close cooperation with the supervisory authority, respecting guidance provided by it or by other relevant authorities such as law-enforcement authorities. For example, the need to mitigate an immediate risk of damage would call for prompt communication with data subjects whereas the need to implement appropriate measures against continuing or similar personal data breaches may justify more time for communication.

(87) Ba cheart a fháil amach an ndearnadh na bearta iomchuí teicneolaíocha cosanta agus na bearta iomchuí eagraíochtúla uile a chur chun feidhme lena suí láithreach an ndearnadh sárú i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta agus chun an t-údarás maoirseachta agus an t-ábhar sonraí a chur ar an eolas go pras. Ba cheart a shuí gur tugadh fógra gan aon mhoill mhíchuí agus aird ar leith á tabhairt ar chineál agus ar thromaíocht an tsáraithe i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta agus ar na hiarmhairtí agus ar na héifeachtaí díobhálacha a bhaineann leis don ábhar sonraí. Féadfaidh idirghabháil ón údarás maoirseachta teacht as fógra den sórt sin i gcomhréir leis na cúraimí sin atá air agus leis na cumhachtaí sin atá aige a leagtar síos sa Rialachán seo.

(87) It should be ascertained whether all appropriate technological protection and organisational measures have been implemented to establish immediately whether a personal data breach has taken place and to inform promptly the supervisory authority and the data subject. The fact that the notification was made without undue delay should be established taking into account in particular the nature and gravity of the personal data breach and its consequences and adverse effects for the data subject. Such notification may result in an intervention of the supervisory authority in accordance with its tasks and powers laid down in this Regulation.

(88) Agus rialacha mionsonraithe a bhaineann leis an bhformáid agus ne nósanna imeachta is infheidhme maidir le fógairt sáruithe i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta á leagan síos, ba cheart aird chuí a thabhairt ar na dálaí faoina ndearnadh an sárú sin, lena n-áirítear an raibh na sonraí pearsanta á gcosaint ag bearta iomchuí cosanta teicniúla, lenar cuireadh srian go héifeachtach leis an dóchúlacht go ndéanfaí calaois aitheantais nó go mbainfí mí-úsáid eile as na sonraí. Ina theannta sin, ba cheart a chur san áireamh i rialacha den sórt sin agus i nósanna imeachta den sórt sin leasanna dlisteanacha údarás forfheidhmithe dlí i gcás ina bhféadfadh fógairt luath cur isteach, gan chúis, ar an imscrúdú faoi dhálaí an tsáraithe i ndáil le sónraí pearsanta.

(88) In setting detailed rules concerning the format and procedures applicable to the notification of personal data breaches, due consideration should be given to the circumstances of that breach, including whether or not personal data had been protected by appropriate technical protection measures, effectively limiting the likelihood of identity fraud or other forms of misuse. Moreover, such rules and procedures should take into account the legitimate interests of law-enforcement authorities where early disclosure could unnecessarily hamper the investigation of the circumstances of a personal data breach.

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