GDPR > Premessa 20

Premessa 20

Recital 20

(20) Filwaqt li dan ir-Regolament japplika, inter alia, għall-attivitajiet tal-qrati u awtoritajiet ġudizzjarji oħrajn, il-liġi tal-Unjoni jew ta’ Stat Membru tista’ tispeċifika l-attivitajiet ta’ pproċessar u l-proċeduri ta’ pproċessar b’rabta mal-ipproċessar ta’ data personali minn qrati u awtoritajiet ġudizzjarji oħrajn.

Il-kompetenza tal-awtoritajiet superviżorji ma għandhiex tkopri l-ipproċessar ta’ data personali meta l-qrati jkunu qegħdin jaġixxu fil-kapaċità ġudizzjarja tagħhom, sabiex tiġi ssalvagwardjata l-indipendenza tal-ġudikatura fit-twettiq tal-kompiti ġudizzjarji tagħha, inkluż it-teħid ta’ deċiżjonijiet.

Is-superviżjoni ta’ tali attivitajiet tal-ipproċessar tad-data għandha tkun tista’ tiġi fdata lil entitajiet speċifiċi fi ħdan is-sistema ġudizzjarja tal-Istat Membru, li għandhom b’mod partikolari jiżguraw il-konformità mar-regoli ta’ dan ir-Regolament, iżidu l-għarfien fost il-membri tal-ġudikatura dwar l-obbligi tagħhom taħt dan ir-Regolament u jittrattaw l-ilmenti b’rabta ma’ tali operazzjonijiet ta’ pproċessar ta’ data.

(20) While this Regulation applies, inter alia, to the activities of courts and other judicial authorities, Union or Member State law could specify the processing operations and processing procedures in relation to the processing of personal data by courts and other judicial authorities.

The competence of the supervisory authorities should not cover the processing of personal data when courts are acting in their judicial capacity, in order to safeguard the independence of the judiciary in the performance of its judicial tasks, including decision-making.

It should be possible to entrust supervision of such data processing operations to specific bodies within the judicial system of the Member State, which should, in particular ensure compliance with the rules of this Regulation, enhance awareness among members of the judiciary of their obligations under this Regulation and handle complaints in relation to such data processing operations.