GDPR > Premessa 131

Premessa 131

Recital 131

(131) Fejn xi awtorità superviżorja oħra għandha taġixxi bħala awtorità superviżorja ewlenija għall-attivitajiet ta’ pproċessar tal-kontrollur jew il-proċessur iżda s-suġġett konkret ta’ lment jew il-possibbiltà ta’ ksur jikkonċerna biss l-attivitajiet ta’ pproċessar tal-kontrollur jew il-proċessur f’dak l-Istat Membru fejn ikun tressaq l-ilment jew fejn tkun ġiet identifikata l-possibbiltà ta’ ksur u l-kwistjoni ma taffettwax b’mod sostanzjali lil suġġetti tad-data fi Stati Membri oħrajn, jew mhux probabbli li taffettwahom b’mod sostanzjali, l-awtorità superviżorja li tirċievi lment jew li tidentifika jew tiġi infurmata b’xi mod ieħor b’sitwazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinvolvu ksur possibbli ta’ dan ir-Regolament għandha tfittex soluzzjoni bonarja mal-kontrollur u, jekk dan ma jirnexxix, teżerċita l-firxa sħiħa ta’ setgħat tagħha.

Dan għandu jinkludi pproċessar speċifiku li jsir fit-territorju tal-Istat Membru tal-awtorità superviżorja jew b’rabta mas-suġġetti tad-data fit-territorju ta’ dak l-Istat Membru; jew ipproċessar li jsir fil-kuntest ta’ offerta ta’ oġġetti jew servizzi mmirati speċifikament lejn suġġetti tad-data fit-territorju tal-Istat Membru tal-awtorità superviżorja; jew ipproċessar li jrid jiġi vvalutat b’kont meħud tal-obbligi legali rilevanti skont il-liġi tal-Istat Membru.

(131) Where another supervisory authority should act as a lead supervisory authority for the processing activities of the controller or processor but the concrete subject matter of a complaint or the possible infringement concerns only processing activities of the controller or processor in the Member State where the complaint has been lodged or the possible infringement detected and the matter does not substantially affect or is not likely to substantially affect data subjects in other Member States, the supervisory authority receiving a complaint or detecting or being informed otherwise of situations that entail possible infringements of this Regulation should seek an amicable settlement with the controller and, if this proves unsuccessful, exercise its full range of powers.

This should include: specific processing carried out in the territory of the Member State of the supervisory authority or with regard to data subjects on the territory of that Member State; processing that is carried out in the context of an offer of goods or services specifically aimed at data subjects in the territory of the Member State of the supervisory authority; or processing that has to be assessed taking into account relevant legal obligations under Member State law.