GDPR > Airteagal 8. Na coinníollacha is infheidhme maidir le toiliú linbh i dtaca le seirbhísí na sochaí faisnéise

Airteagal 8 RGCS (GDPR). Na coinníollacha is infheidhme maidir le toiliú linbh i dtaca le seirbhísí na sochaí faisnéise

Article 8 GDPR. Conditions applicable to child's consent in relation to information society services

1. I gcás go mbeidh feidhm ag pointe (a) d’Airteagal 6(1), maidir le seirbhísí na sochaí faisnéise a thairiscint go díreach do leanbh, beidh próiseáil sonraí pearsanta linbh dleathach I gcás ian mbeidh an leanbh os cionn 16 bliana d’aois. Má tá an leanbh faoi bhun 16 bliana d’aois, ní bheidh an phróiseáil sin dleathach ach amháin má thugann nó má údaraíonn, agus a mhéid a thugann nó a údaraíonn, sealbhóir na freagrachta tuismitheoireachta as an leanbh an toiliú sin.

1. Where point (a) of Article 6(1) applies, in relation to the offer of information society services directly to a child, the processing of the personal data of a child shall be lawful where the child is at least 16 years old. Where the child is below the age of 16 years, such processing shall be lawful only if and to the extent that consent is given or authorised by the holder of parental responsibility over the child.

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Féadfaidh ballstáit a fhoráil le dlí d’aois is oige chun na gcríoch sin, ar choinníoll nach bhfuil an aois sin faoi bhun 13 bliana d’aois.

Member States may provide by law for a lower age for those purposes provided that such lower age is not below 13 years.

2. I gcásanna den sórt sin, déanfaidh an rialaitheoir iarrachtaí réasúnta a fhíorú gur thug nó gur údaraigh sealbhóir na freagrachta tuismitheoireachta as an leanbh toiliú, agus cuirfear an teicneolaíocht a bheidh ar fáil san áireamh.

2. The controller shall make reasonable efforts to verify in such cases that consent is given or authorised by the holder of parental responsibility over the child, taking into consideration available technology.


3. Ní dhéanfaidh mír 1 difear do dhlí ginearálta na gconarthaí sna Ballstáit, amhail na rialacha maidir le bailíocht, déanamh nó éifeacht conartha i ndáil le leanbh.

3. Paragraph 1 shall not affect the general contract law of Member States such as the rules on the validity, formation or effect of a contract in relation to a child.

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII controllers.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 8(3) GDPR:

7.2.2 Identify lawful basis


The organization should determine, document and comply with the relevant lawful basis for the processing of PII for the identified purposes.

Implementation guidance

Some jurisdictions require the organization to be able to demonstrate that the lawfulness of processing was duly established before the processing.

The legal basis for the processing of PII can include:


專家評論 ISO 27701 献技 指南和案例法 发表评论

(EN) Children enjoy special protection under the General Data Protection Regulation as they are considered vulnerable (Guidelines on Consent). They did not indeed achieve physical and psychological maturity yet (Opinion 2/2009 on the Protection of Children’s Personal Data), so they may be less aware than adults of the risks and consequences of sharing their personal information when registering for online services or using connected platforms (recital 38).


(EN) Author
Louis-Philippe Gratton
(EN) Louis-Philippe Gratton PhD, LLM
(EN) Privacy Expert
ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII controllers.

Here is the relevant paragraph to articles 8(1) and 8(2) GDPR:

7.2.3 Determine when and how consent is to be obtained


The organization should determine and document a process by which it can demonstrate if, when and how consent for the processing of PII was obtained from PII principals.

Implementation guidance

Consent can be required for processing of PII unless other lawful grounds apply. The organization should clearly document when consent needs to be obtained and the requirements for obtaining consent.



(38) Tá cosaint ar leith dlite do leanaí i dtaca lena sonraí pearsanta toisc go bhféadfar nach bhfuil siad chomh heolach sin ar na rioscaí, na hiarmhairtí agus na coimircí lena mbaineann ná ar a gcearta féin i ndáil lena sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáil. Ba cheart feidhm a bheith ag cosaint ar leith den sórt sin, go háirithe, le húsáid sonraí pearsanta leanaí chun críocha na margaíochta nó chun próifílí pearsantachta nó úsáideora a chruthú agus sonraí pearsanta i ndáil le leanaí a bhailiú agus seirbhísí atá á dtairiscint go díreach do leanbh á n-úsáid. Níor cheart é a bheith riachtanach toiliú shealbhóir na freagrachta tuismitheora a fháil i gcomhthéacs seirbhísí coisctheacha nó comhairliúcháin a thairgtear go díreach do leanbh.

(38) Children merit specific protection with regard to their personal data, as they may be less aware of the risks, consequences and safeguards concerned and their rights in relation to the processing of personal data. Such specific protection should, in particular, apply to the use of personal data of children for the purposes of marketing or creating personality or user profiles and the collection of personal data with regard to children when using services offered directly to a child. The consent of the holder of parental responsibility should not be necessary in the context of preventive or counselling services offered directly to a child.

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