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Premessa 87

Recital 87

(87) Għandu jiġi vverifikat jekk kull protezzjoni teknoloġika xierqa u miżuri organizzattivi ġewx implimentati biex jiġi stabbilit immedjatament jekk seħħitx vjolazzjoni ta’ data personali u biex jiġu informati minnufih l-awtorità superviżorja u s-suġġett tad-data.

Il-fatt li n-notifika saret mingħajr dewmien żejjed għandu jiġi stabbilit filwaqt li jitqiesu b’mod partikolari n-natura u l-gravità tal-vjolazzjoni tad-data personali u l-konsegwenzi u l-effetti negattivi tagħha għas-suġġett tad-data.

Notifika bħal din tista’ tirriżulta f’intervent mill-awtorità superviżorja f’konformità mal-kompiti u s-setgħat tagħha stabbiliti f’dan ir-Regolament.

(87) It should be ascertained whether all appropriate technological protection and organisational measures have been implemented to establish immediately whether a personal data breach has taken place and to inform promptly the supervisory authority and the data subject.

The fact that the notification was made without undue delay should be established taking into account in particular the nature and gravity of the personal data breach and its consequences and adverse effects for the data subject.

Such notification may result in an intervention of the supervisory authority in accordance with its tasks and powers laid down in this Regulation.