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Recital 137

Recital 137

(137) 為保護資料主體之權利及自由,特別是當存在之危險可能使資 料主體之權利行使受到相當之阻礙者,實有急迫需求即刻行動。因此, 監管機關應能夠在其境內採取充分且正當之暫時性措施,該措施應有 明確之有效期限,且不得超過三個月。

(137) There may be an urgent need to act in order to protect the rights and freedoms of data subjects, in particular when the danger exists that the enforcement of a right of a data subject could be considerably impeded.

A supervisory authority should therefore be able to adopt duly justified provisional measures on its territory with a specified period of validity which should not exceed three months.