GDPR > Betragtning 135
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Betragtning 135

Recital 135

(135) For at sikre ensartet anvendelse af denne forordning i hele Unionen bør der etableres en sammenhængsmekanisme for samarbejde mellem tilsynsmyndighederne.

Denne mekanisme bør navnlig anvendes, når en tilsynsmyndighed agter at vedtage en foranstaltning, der skal have retsvirkning, i forhold til behandlingsaktiviteter, der i væsentlig grad påvirker et betydeligt antal registrerede i flere medlemsstater.

Den bør også anvendes, hvis en berørt tilsynsmyndighed eller Kommissionen ønsker, at en sådan sag behandles inden for sammenhængsmekanismen.

Denne mekanisme berører ikke foranstaltninger, som Kommissionen måtte træffe som led i udøvelsen af sine beføjelser i henhold til traktaterne.

(135) In order to ensure the consistent application of this Regulation throughout the Union, a consistency mechanism for cooperation between the supervisory authorities should be established.

That mechanism should in particular apply where a supervisory authority intends to adopt a measure intended to produce legal effects as regards processing operations which substantially affect a significant number of data subjects in several Member States.

It should also apply where any supervisory authority concerned or the Commission requests that such matter should be handled in the consistency mechanism.

That mechanism should be without prejudice to any measures that the Commission may take in the exercise of its powers under the Treaties.