GDPR > Člen 61. Medsebojna pomoč
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Člen 61 SUVP (GDPR). Medsebojna pomoč

Article 61 GDPR. Mutual assistance

1. Nadzorni organi drug drugemu zagotovijo zadevne informacije in medsebojno pomoč, da dosledno izvajajo in uporabljajo to uredbo, ter uvedejo ukrepe za učinkovito medsebojno sodelovanje. Medsebojna pomoč obsega zlasti zahteve za informacije in nadzorne ukrepe, kot so zahteve za predhodno dovoljenje in posvetovanja, preglede ter preiskave.

1. Supervisory authorities shall provide each other with relevant information and mutual assistance in order to implement and apply this Regulation in a consistent manner, and shall put in place measures for effective cooperation with one another. Mutual assistance shall cover, in particular, information requests and supervisory measures, such as requests to carry out prior authorisations and consultations, inspections and investigations.

2. Vsak nadzorni organ sprejme vse ustrezne ukrepe, potrebne za odgovor na zahtevo drugega nadzornega organa, brez nepotrebnega odlašanja in najpozneje en mesec po prejemu zahteve. Takšni ukrepi lahko vključujejo zlasti prenos zadevnih informacij o poteku preiskave.

2. Each supervisory authority shall take all appropriate measures required to reply to a request of another supervisory authority without undue delay and no later than one month after receiving the request. Such measures may include, in particular, the transmission of relevant information on the conduct of an investigation.

3. Zahteve za pomoč vsebujejo vse potrebne informacije, vključno z namenom in obrazložitvijo zahteve. Izmenjane informacije se uporabljajo samo v namen, za katerega so bile zahtevane.

3. Requests for assistance shall contain all the necessary information, including the purpose of and reasons for the request. Information exchanged shall be used only for the purpose for which it was requested.

4. Nadzorni organ, ki prejme zahtevo za pomoč, te ne sme zavrniti, razen če:

4. The requested supervisory authority shall not refuse to comply with the request unless:

(a) ni pristojen za vsebino zahteve ali za izvršitev zahtevanih ukrepov, ali

(a) it is not competent for the subject-matter of the request or for the measures it is requested to execute; or

(b) bi izpolnitev zahteve kršila to uredbo ali pravo Unije ali pravo države članice, ki velja za nadzorni organ, ki je prejel zahtevo.

(b) compliance with the request would infringe this Regulation or Union or Member State law to which the supervisory authority receiving the request is subject.

5. Nadzorni organ, ki je prejel zahtevo, obvesti nadzorni organ, ki je zahtevo poslal, o rezultatih oziroma po potrebi o stanju zadeve ali ukrepih, sprejetih v odziv na zahtevo. Nadzorni organ, ki je prejel zahtevo, vsako zavrnitev zahteve v skladu z odstavkom 4 ustrezno obrazloži.

5. The requested supervisory authority shall inform the requesting supervisory authority of the results or, as the case may be, of the progress of the measures taken in order to respond to the request. The requested supervisory authority shall provide reasons for any refusal to comply with a request pursuant to paragraph 4.

6. Nadzorni organi, ki so prejeli zahtevo, informacije, za katere zaprosijo drugi nadzorni organi, praviloma posredujejo z elektronskimi sredstvi v standardizirani obliki.

6. Requested supervisory authorities shall, as a rule, supply the information requested by other supervisory authorities by electronic means, using a standardised format.

7. Nadzorni organi, ki so prejeli zahtevo za noben njihov ukrep na podlagi zahteve za medsebojno pomoč ne zaračunajo pristojbine. Nadzorni organi se lahko dogovorijo o pravilih o vzajemnih nadomestilih, za posebne izdatke, nastale zaradi zagotavljanja medsebojne pomoči v izjemnih okoliščinah..

7. Requested supervisory authorities shall not charge a fee for any action taken by them pursuant to a request for mutual assistance. Supervisory authorities may agree on rules to indemnify each other for specific expenditure arising from the provision of mutual assistance in exceptional circumstances.

8. Kadar nadzorni organ informacij iz odstavka 5 tega člena ne zagotovi v enem mesecu po prejemu zahteve drugega nadzornega organa, lahko nadzorni organ, ki je zahtevo poslal, v skladu s členom 55(1) sprejme začasen ukrep na ozemlju države članice, za katero je pristojen. V tem primeru se predpostavlja, da obstaja nujna potreba po ukrepanju v skladu s členom 66(1), na podlagi katere se v skladu s členom 66(2) zahteva nujna zavezujoča odločitev odbora.

8. Where a supervisory authority does not provide the information referred to in paragraph 5 of this Article within one month of receiving the request of another supervisory authority, the requesting supervisory authority may adopt a provisional measure on the territory of its Member State in accordance with Article 55(1). In that case, the urgent need to act under Article 66(1) shall be presumed to be met and require an urgent binding decision from the Board pursuant to Article 66(2).

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9. Komisija lahko z izvedbenimi akti določi obliko in postopke za medsebojno pomoč iz tega člena ter ureditev za izmenjavo informacij z elektronskimi sredstvi med nadzornimi organi ter med nadzornimi organi in odborom, zlasti standardizirano obliko iz odstavka 6 tega člena. Ti izvedbeni akti se sprejmejo v skladu s postopkom pregleda iz člena 93(2).

9. The Commission may, by means of implementing acts, specify the format and procedures for mutual assistance referred to in this Article and the arrangements for the exchange of information by electronic means between supervisory authorities, and between supervisory authorities and the Board, in particular the standardised format referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 93(2).

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전문 (Recitals) 코멘트를 남겨주세요
전문 (Recitals)

(133) Nadzorni organi bi si morali medsebojno pomagati pri opravljanju svojih nalog in zagotoviti medsebojno pomoč, da se zagotovita dosledna uporaba in izvajanje te uredbe na notranjem trgu. Nadzorni organ, ki zaprosi za medsebojno pomoč, lahko sprejme začasni ukrep, če mu zaprošeni nadzorni organ v enem mesecu po prejemu zahteve za medsebojno pomoč ne odgovori..

(133) The supervisory authorities should assist each other in performing their tasks and provide mutual assistance, so as to ensure the consistent application and enforcement of this Regulation in the internal market. A supervisory authority requesting mutual assistance may adopt a provisional measure if it receives no response to a request for mutual assistance within one month of the receipt of that request by the other supervisory authority.

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