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Premessa 43

Recital 43

(43) Sabiex jiġi żgurat l-għoti ta’ kunsens b’mod liberu, il-kunsens ma għandux jipprovdi raġuni legali valida għall-ipproċessar ta’ data personali f’każ speċifiku fejn ikun hemm żbilanċ ċar bejn is-suġġett tad-data u l-kontrollur, b’mod partikolari fejn il-kontrollur huwa awtorità pubblika u għalhekk ikun improbabbli li l-kunsens ingħata liberament fiċ-ċirkostanzi kollha ta’ dik is-sitwazzjoni speċifika.

Il-kunsens huwa preżunt li mhux mogħti b’mod liberu jekk ma jippermettix li jingħata kunsens separat għal operazzjonijiet ta’ pproċessar ta’ data personali differenti minkejja li jkun xieraq fil-każ partikolari, jew jekk it-twettiq ta’ kuntratt, inkluż il-provvediment ta’ servizz, ikun jiddependi mill-kunsens minkejja li tali kunsens ma jkunx meħtieġ għal tali twettiq.

(43) In order to ensure that consent is freely given, consent should not provide a valid legal ground for the processing of personal data in a specific case where there is a clear imbalance between the data subject and the controller, in particular where the controller is a public authority and it is therefore unlikely that consent was freely given in all the circumstances of that specific situation.

Consent is presumed not to be freely given if it does not allow separate consent to be given to different personal data processing operations despite it being appropriate in the individual case, or if the performance of a contract, including the provision of a service, is dependent on the consent despite such consent not being necessary for such performance.