RGPD > 第 81 條. 停止訴訟程序
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第 81 條 GDPR. 停止訴訟程序

Article 81 GDPR. Suspension of proceedings

1. 如會員國之管轄法院知悉關於同一控管者或處理者處理之同一事 件已在其他會員國法院在案審理者,其應與他會員國之法院聯繫,以 確認該訴訟之存在。

1. Where a competent court of a Member State has information on proceedings, concerning the same subject matter as regards processing by the same controller or processor, that are pending in a court in another Member State, it shall contact that court in the other Member State to confirm the existence of such proceedings.

2. 如同一控管者或處理者處理之同一事件之訴訟程序已在他會員國 的法院在案審理,除管轄在先以外之其他任何管轄法院得停止其訴訟 程序。

2. Where proceedings concerning the same subject matter as regards processing of the same controller or processor are pending in a court in another Member State, any competent court other than the court first seized may suspend its proceedings.

3. 該等訴訟程序於第一審程序中在案審理,如管轄在先之法院就該 等訴訟程序有管轄權,且其法律允許合併訴訟者,除管轄在先之法院 外,任何其他法院亦得應一方當事人的聲請,拒絕管轄。

3. Where those proceedings are pending at first instance, any court other than the court first seized may also, on the application of one of the parties, decline jurisdiction if the court first seized has jurisdiction over the actions in question and its law permits the consolidation thereof.

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(144) 當受理監管機關裁決訴訟案件之法院有理由相信有關於同一 資料處理之該等訴訟已於該會員國境內之其他有權管轄法院提起者, 例如資料處理之控管者或處理者相同,或有相同之原因事實時,法院 應與另一法院聯繫,以確認該等相關訴訟是否存在。若有相關訴訟繫 屬於其他會員國法院者,先受理該案件之法院以外之其他任何法院得 停止訴訟程序,或得依照訴訟當事人一方之聲請,於先受理之法院對 於系爭訴訟有管轄權且該國法律允許相關訴訟之合併時,由先受理該 案件之法院優先管轄該案件。當數個訴訟緊密關聯,且共同審理及裁 判較為有利且可避免因個別審理造成之裁判歧異者,該數訴訟視為相 關。

(144) Where a court seized of proceedings against a decision by a supervisory authority has reason to believe that proceedings concerning the same processing, such as the same subject matter as regards processing by the same controller or processor, or the same cause of action, are brought before a competent court in another Member State, it should contact that court in order to confirm the existence of such related proceedings. If related proceedings are pending before a court in another Member State, any court other than the court first seized may stay its proceedings or may, on request of one of the parties, decline jurisdiction in favour of the court first seized if that court has jurisdiction over the proceedings in question and its law permits the consolidation of such related proceedings. Proceedings are deemed to be related where they are so closely connected that it is expedient to hear and determine them together in order to avoid the risk of irreconcilable judgments resulting from separate proceedings.

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