RGPD > Premessa 139
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Premessa 139

Recital 139

(139) Sabiex jippromwovi l-applikazzjoni konsistenti ta’ dan ir-Regolament, il-Bord għandu jkun stabbilit bħala korp indipendenti tal-Unjoni.

Biex jilħaq l-objettivi tiegħu, il-Bord għandu jkollu personalità ġuridika.

Il-Bord għandu jkun rappreżentat mill-President tiegħu.

Għandu jieħu post il-Grupp ta’ Ħidma għall-Protezzjoni ta’ Individwi fl-Ipproċessar ta’ Data Personali stabbilit bid-Direttiva 95/46/KE.

Għandu jkun magħmul mill-kap ta’ awtorità superviżorja ta’ kull Stat Membru u l-Kontrollur Ewropew għall-Protezzjoni tad-Data jew ir-rappreżentanti rispettivi tagħhom.

Il-Kummissjoni għandha tipparteċipa fl-attivitajiet tal-Bord mingħajr drittijiet ta’ vot u l-Kontrollur Ewropew għall-Protezzjoni tad-Data għandu jkollu drittijiet ta’ vot speċifiċi.

Il-Bord għandu jikkontribwixxi għall-applikazzjoni konsistenti ta’ dan ir-Regolament fl-Unjoni kollha, inkluż billi jagħti pariri lill-Kummissjoni, b’mod partikolari dwar il-livell ta’ protezzjoni f’pajjiżi terzi jew organizzazzjonijiet internazzjonali, u jippromwovi l-kooperazzjoni tal-awtoritajiet superviżorji madwar l-Unjoni.

Il-Bord għandu jaġixxi b’mod indipendenti fl-eżerċizzju tal-kompiti tiegħu.

(139) In order to promote the consistent application of this Regulation, the Board should be set up as an independent body of the Union.

To fulfil its objectives, the Board should have legal personality.

The Board should be represented by its Chair.

It should replace the Working Party on the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data established by Directive 95/46/EC.

It should consist of the head of a supervisory authority of each Member State and the European Data Protection Supervisor or their respective representatives.

The Commission should participate in the Board’s activities without voting rights and the European Data Protection Supervisor should have specific voting rights.

The Board should contribute to the consistent application of this Regulation throughout the Union, including by advising the Commission, in particular on the level of protection in third countries or international organisations, and promoting cooperation of the supervisory authorities throughout the Union.

The Board should act independently when performing its tasks.