RGPD > Premessa 111
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Premessa 111

Recital 111

(111) Għandha tiġi prevista l-possibbiltà ta’ trasferimenti f’ċerti ċirkostanzi fejn is-suġġett tad-data jkun ta l-kunsens espliċitu tiegħu, fejn it-trasferiment ikun okkażjonali u neċessarju fir-rigward ta’ kuntratt jew talba legali, irrispettivament minn jekk dan ikunx fi proċedura ġudizzjarja jew fi proċedura amministrattiva jew extraġudizzjarja, inklużi proċeduri quddiem korpi regolatorji.

Għandha tkun prevista l-possibbiltà ta’ trasferimenti fejn dawn ikunu meħtieġa minn raġunijiet importanti ta’ interess pubbliku stabbiliti fil-liġi tal-Unjoni jew ta’ Stat Membru jew fejn it-trasferiment isir minn reġistru stabbilit bil-liġi u maħsub għall-konsultazzjoni mill-pubbliku jew minn persuni li jkollhom interess leġittimu.

F’dan l-aħħar każ dan it-trasferiment ma għandux jinvolvi d-data personali kollha jew kategoriji sħaħ tad-data li tinsab fir-reġistru u, meta r-reġistru huwa maħsub għall-konsultazzjoni mill-pubbliku jew persuni li jkollhom interess leġittimu, it-trasferiment għandu jsir biss fuq it-talba ta’ dawk il-persuni jew, jekk sejrin ikunu r-riċevituri, filwaqt illi jitqiesu għalkollox l-interessi u d-drittijiet fundamentali tas-suġġett tad-data.

(111) Provisions should be made for the possibility for transfers in certain circumstances where the data subject has given his or her explicit consent, where the transfer is occasional and necessary in relation to a contract or a legal claim, regardless of whether in a judicial procedure or whether in an administrative or any out-of-court procedure, including procedures before regulatory bodies.

Provision should also be made for the possibility for transfers where important grounds of public interest laid down by Union or Member State law so require or where the transfer is made from a register established by law and intended for consultation by the public or persons having a legitimate interest.

In the latter case, such a transfer should not involve the entirety of the personal data or entire categories of the data contained in the register and, when the register is intended for consultation by persons having a legitimate interest, the transfer should be made only at the request of those persons or, if they are to be the recipients, taking into full account the interests and fundamental rights of the data subject.