RGPD > 第 82 條. 賠償請求權及義務
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第 82 條 GDPR. 賠償請求權及義務

Article 82 GDPR. Right to compensation and liability

1. 因違反本規則而遭受物質上或非物質上之損害時,任何人應有權 利自控管者或處理者就其損害獲得賠償。

1. Any person who has suffered material or non-material damage as a result of an infringement of this Regulation shall have the right to receive compensation from the controller or processor for the damage suffered.

2. 任何涉及資料處理之控管者應對違反本規則之資料處理造成之損 害承擔責任。僅在處理者未遵循本規則針對處理者所規定之義務,或 其行為超出或違反控制者合法之指示時,處理者應對資料處理造成之 損害承擔責任。

2. Any controller involved in processing shall be liable for the damage caused by processing which infringes this Regulation. A processor shall be liable for the damage caused by processing only where it has not complied with obligations of this Regulation specifically directed to processors or where it has acted outside or contrary to lawful instructions of the controller.

3. 若控管者或處理者可證明其等對於造成損害之事件不可歸責時, 其等應免除第 2 項之責任。

3. A controller or processor shall be exempt from liability under paragraph 2 if it proves that it is not in any way responsible for the event giving rise to the damage.

4. 若有超過一個控管者或處理者,或控管者和處理者皆同時涉及同 一資料處理,且依第 2 項及第 3 項應對造成損害之資料處理承擔責任 時,每個控管者或處理者皆應對整個損害承擔責任以確保對資料主體 有效之賠償。

4. Where more than one controller or processor, or both a controller and a processor, are involved in the same processing and where they are, under paragraphs 2 and 3, responsible for any damage caused by processing, each controller or processor shall be held liable for the entire damage in order to ensure effective compensation of the data subject.

5. 若控管者或處理者依第 4 項就所受損害為全部之賠償,則該控管 者或處理者應有權依照第 2 項所規定之條件向其他涉及同一資料處 理之控管者或處理者請求償還其等各自就該損害應分擔之部分。

5. Where a controller or processor has, in accordance with paragraph 4, paid full compensation for the damage suffered, that controller or processor shall be entitled to claim back from the other controllers or processors involved in the same processing that part of the compensation corresponding to their part of responsibility for the damage, in accordance with the conditions set out in paragraph 2.

6. 為行使受償之權利而進行之法院程序,應向第 79 條第 2 項所述會 員國法下有管轄權之法院提起之。

6. Court proceedings for exercising the right to receive compensation shall be brought before the courts competent under the law of the Member State referred to in Article 79(2).

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(146) 控管者或處理者應賠償當事人因其違反本規則之資料處理所 受之一切可能損害。若控管者或處理者能證明其從任何方面而言皆非 造成損害之原因,則應免除其責任。損害之概念應依照歐盟法院之判例,以能完全反映本規則所欲達成之目標作較寬鬆之解釋。惟此不應 損及就違反歐盟法或會員國法所定其他規則所生損害為任何主張之 權利。違反本規則之資料處理,亦包括資料處理違反依據本規則所制 定之授權法及施行法以及違反為具體化本規則之會員國法者。資料主 體就其等所受損害,應受到充分且有實益之賠償。當控管者或處理者 亦參與同一資料處理時,應追究各控管者或處理者就整個損害之法律 責任。然而,當其等參與同一司法程序時,依據會員國法,在確保受 到損害之資料主體能受到充分且有實益之賠償的前提下,可能依據各 控管者或處理者就該資料處理造成損害結果之歸責程度進行損害賠 償責任之分擔。任何負擔全部損害賠償責任之控管者或處理者,得續 而展開對其他亦參與同一處理程序之控管者或處理者之追償程序。

(146) The controller or processor should compensate any damage which a person may suffer as a result of processing that infringes this Regulation. The controller or processor should be exempt from liability if it proves that it is not in any way responsible for the damage. The concept of damage should be broadly interpreted in the light of the case-law of the Court of Justice in a manner which fully reflects the objectives of this Regulation. This is without prejudice to any claims for damage deriving from the violation of other rules in Union or Member State law. Processing that infringes this Regulation also includes processing that infringes delegated and implementing acts adopted in accordance with this Regulation and Member State law specifying rules of this Regulation. Data subjects should receive full and effective compensation for the damage they have suffered. Where controllers or processors are involved in the same processing, each controller or processor should be held liable for the entire damage. However, where they are joined to the same judicial proceedings, in accordance with Member State law, compensation may be apportioned according to the responsibility of each controller or processor for the damage caused by the processing, provided that full and effective compensation of the data subject who suffered the damage is ensured. Any controller or processor which has paid full compensation may subsequently institute recourse proceedings against other controllers or processors involved in the same processing.

(147) 凡本規則定有管轄權之特別規定者,尤其是關於對控管者或處 理者請求包含損害賠償之司法救濟的資料處理時,諸如歐洲議會及歐 盟理事會所定歐盟規則第 1214/2012 號[13]等之一般性司法規範不應損 及該等特別規定之適用。

(147) Where specific rules on jurisdiction are contained in this Regulation, in particular as regards proceedings seeking a judicial remedy including compensation, against a controller or processor, general jurisdiction rules such as those of Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council [13] should not prejudice the application of such specific rules.

[13] Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (OJ L 351, 20.12.2012, p. 1).

[13] Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (OJ L 351, 20.12.2012, p. 1).

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