DSGVO (GDPR) > Članak 80.. Zastupanje ispitanika
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Članak 80. GDPR. Zastupanje ispitanika

Article 80 GDPR. Representation of data subjects

1. Ispitanik ima pravo ovlastiti neprofitno tijelo, organizaciju ili udruženje, koje je pravilno osnovano u skladu s pravom države članice, u čijem se statutu navode ciljevi od javnog interesa te je aktivno u području zaštite prava i sloboda ispitanika s obzirom na zaštitu njegovih osobnih podataka, da podnesu pritužbu u njegovo ime i da ostvaruju prava iz članaka 77., 78. i 79. u njegovo ime te da ostvaruju pravo na naknadu iz članka 82. u ime ispitanika ako je to predviđeno pravom države članice.

1. The data subject shall have the right to mandate a not-for-profit body, organisation or association which has been properly constituted in accordance with the law of a Member State, has statutory objectives which are in the public interest, and is active in the field of the protection of data subjects‘ rights and freedoms with regard to the protection of their personal data to lodge the complaint on his or her behalf, to exercise the rights referred to in Articles 77, 78 and 79 on his or her behalf, and to exercise the right to receive compensation referred to in Article 82 on his or her behalf where provided for by Member State law.


2. Države članice mogu predvidjeti da svako tijelo, organizacija ili udruženje iz stavka 1. ovog članka, neovisno o mandatu ispitanika, ima pravo u toj državi članici podnijeti pritužbu nadzornom tijelu nadležnom u skladu s člankom 77. i ostvarivati prava iz članaka 78. i 79. ako smatra da su uslijed obrade osobnih podataka prekršena prava ispitanika iz ove Uredbe.

2. Member States may provide that any body, organisation or association referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, independently of a data subject’s mandate, has the right to lodge, in that Member State, a complaint with the supervisory authority which is competent pursuant to Article 77 and to exercise the rights referred to in Articles 78 and 79 if it considers that the rights of a data subject under this Regulation have been infringed as a result of the processing.

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(142) Ako ispitanik smatra da su prekršena njegova prava iz ove Uredbe, trebao bi imati pravo ovlastiti neprofitno tijelo, organizaciju ili udruženje osnovano u skladu s pravom države članice, u čijem se statutu navode ciljevi od javnog interesa i koje je aktivno u području zaštite osobnih podataka, da nadzornom tijelu podnese pritužbu u njegovo ime, da ostvari pravo na pravni lijek u ime ispitanikâ ili da ostvari pravo na naknadu u ime ispitanikâ ako je to predviđeno pravom države članice. Država članica može predvidjeti da takvo tijelo, organizacija ili udruženje ima pravo, neovisno o mandatu ispitanika, podnijeti u toj državi članici pritužbu i imati pravo na učinkoviti pravni lijek ako ima razloga smatrati da je do kršenja prava ispitanika došlo zbog obrade osobnih podataka kojom se krši ova Uredba. Tom tijelu, organizaciji ili udruženju ne smije biti dopušteno tražiti naknadu u ime ispitanika neovisno o mandatu ispitanika.

(142) Where a data subject considers that his or her rights under this Regulation are infringed, he or she should have the right to mandate a not-for-profit body, organisation or association which is constituted in accordance with the law of a Member State, has statutory objectives which are in the public interest and is active in the field of the protection of personal data to lodge a complaint on his or her behalf with a supervisory authority, exercise the right to a judicial remedy on behalf of data subjects or, if provided for in Member State law, exercise the right to receive compensation on behalf of data subjects. A Member State may provide for such a body, organisation or association to have the right to lodge a complaint in that Member State, independently of a data subject's mandate, and the right to an effective judicial remedy where it has reasons to consider that the rights of a data subject have been infringed as a result of the processing of personal data which infringes this Regulation. That body, organisation or association may not be allowed to claim compensation on a data subject's behalf independently of the data subject's mandate.

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