GDPR > Recital 108

Recital 108

Recital 108

(108) 在欠缺有提供充足保護之決定時,控管者或處理者應為資料主 體採取適當保護措施,以彌補第三國對資料保護之欠缺。該等適當保 護措施可能包括利用有拘束力之企業守則、執委會採用之標準資料保護條款、監管機關採用之標準資料保護條款或由監管機關授權之契約 條款。該等保護措施應確保符合資料保護之要求及資料主體之權利在 歐盟境內適當地處理,包括可實現之資料主體權利以及有效之法律救 濟,包括在歐盟內或第三國獲得有效的行政或司法救濟並請求補償。 該等適當保護措施尤應符合個人資料處理之基本原則及設計與預設 資料保護之原則。移轉之執行亦得由第三國之公務機關或公務機構向 第三國之公務機關或公務機構或具對應責任或功能之國際組織為之, 包括在規範基礎上加入諸如同意備忘錄、提供資料主體可執行且有效 權利等行政安排。保護措施係以不具法拘束力之行政安排所提供者, 應獲得有關監管機關之授權。

(108) In the absence of an adequacy decision, the controller or processor should take measures to compensate for the lack of data protection in a third country by way of appropriate safeguards for the data subject.

Such appropriate safeguards may consist of making use of binding corporate rules, standard data protection clauses adopted by the Commission, standard data protection clauses adopted by a supervisory authority or contractual clauses authorised by a supervisory authority.

Those safeguards should ensure compliance with data protection requirements and the rights of the data subjects appropriate to processing within the Union, including the availability of enforceable data subject rights and of effective legal remedies, including to obtain effective administrative or judicial redress and to claim compensation, in the Union or in a third country.

They should relate in particular to compliance with the general principles relating to personal data processing, the principles of data protection by design and by default.

Transfers may also be carried out by public authorities or bodies with public authorities or bodies in third countries or with international organisations with corresponding duties or functions, including on the basis of provisions to be inserted into administrative arrangements, such as a memorandum of understanding, providing for enforceable and effective rights for data subjects.

Authorisation by the competent supervisory authority should be obtained when the safeguards are provided for in administrative arrangements that are not legally binding.