(116) 當個人資料跨境移動至歐盟境外時,個人行使資料保護權利之 能力處於更高的風險中,特別是保護其免於資料遭不法使用或揭露之 能力。同時,監管機關可能發現其無法進行追訴或就境外活動實施相 關之調查。其等在跨國之脈絡下合作之努力可能面臨預防或矯正權力 之不足、法制度不一致性及諸如資源限制等實務上之障礙。因此,有 必要促成資料保護監管機關間更緊密之合作,以協助其等交換資訊並 與其在國際上對應之部門共同進行調查。為了發展國際合作機制之目 的以促進並提供執行個人資料保護法案之國際互助,基於對等原則並 依據本規則,執委會及監管機關於行使其權力之有關行動中應與第三 國之主管機關交換資訊及合作。
(116) When personal data moves across borders outside the Union it may put at increased risk the ability of natural persons to exercise data protection rights in particular to protect themselves from the unlawful use or disclosure of that information. At the same time, supervisory authorities may find that they are unable to pursue complaints or conduct investigations relating to the activities outside their borders. Their efforts to work together in the cross-border context may also be hampered by insufficient preventative or remedial powers, inconsistent legal regimes, and practical obstacles like resource constraints. Therefore, there is a need to promote closer cooperation among data protection supervisory authorities to help them exchange information and carry out investigations with their international counterparts. For the purposes of developing international cooperation mechanisms to facilitate and provide international mutual assistance for the enforcement of legislation for the protection of personal data, the Commission and the supervisory authorities should exchange information and cooperate in activities related to the exercise of their powers with competent authorities in third countries, based on reciprocity and in accordance with this Regulation.