(94) Kadar ocena učinka v zvezi z varstvom podatkov pokaže, da bi zaradi neobstoječih zaščitnih ukrepov, varnostnih ukrepov in mehanizmov za ublažitev tveganja obdelava povzročila veliko tveganje za pravice in svoboščine posameznikov, in upravljavec meni, da tveganja ni mogoče ublažiti z razumnimi sredstvi v smislu razpoložljivih tehnologij in stroškov izvajanja, bi moralo biti pred začetkom dejavnosti obdelave opravljeno posvetovanje z nadzornim organom.
Za tako veliko tveganje je verjetno, da izhaja iz določenih vrst obdelave ter določenega obsega in pogostosti obdelave, kar lahko povzroči tudi škodo za pravice in svoboščine posameznika ali poseg vanje.
Nadzorni organ bi se moral na zahtevo po posvetovanju odzvati v določenem obdobju.
Vendar odsotnost odziva nadzornega organa v tem obdobju ne bi smela posegati v kakršno koli posredovanje tega organa v skladu z njegovimi nalogami in pooblastili iz te uredbe, vključno s pooblastilom za prepoved dejanj obdelave.
Rezultat ocene učinka v zvezi z varstvom podatkov, ki se izvede v zvezi z zadevno obdelavo, se lahko kot del tega postopka posvetovanja predloži nadzornemu organu, zlasti ukrepi, ki so predvideni za ublažitev tveganja za pravice in svoboščine posameznikov.
(94) Where a data protection impact assessment indicates that the processing would, in the absence of safeguards, security measures and mechanisms to mitigate the risk, result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons and the controller is of the opinion that the risk cannot be mitigated by reasonable means in terms of available technologies and costs of implementation, the supervisory authority should be consulted prior to the start of processing activities.
Such high risk is likely to result from certain types of processing and the extent and frequency of processing, which may result also in a realisation of damage or interference with the rights and freedoms of the natural person.
The supervisory authority should respond to the request for consultation within a specified period.
However, the absence of a reaction of the supervisory authority within that period should be without prejudice to any intervention of the supervisory authority in accordance with its tasks and powers laid down in this Regulation, including the power to prohibit processing operations.
As part of that consultation process, the outcome of a data protection impact assessment carried out with regard to the processing at issue may be submitted to the supervisory authority, in particular the measures envisaged to mitigate the risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons.
The latest consolidated version of the Regulation with corrections by Corrigendum, OJ L 127, 23.5.2018, p. 2 ((EU) 2016/679). Source: EUR-lex.