RGPD > Premessa 114
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Premessa 114

Recital 114

(114) Fi kwalunkwe każ, fejn il-Kummissjoni ma tkun ħadet l-ebda deċiżjoni dwar il-livell adegwat ta’ protezzjoni tad-data f’pajjiż terz, il-kontrollur jew il-proċessur għandu juża soluzzjonijiet li jipprovdu lis-suġġetti tad-data bi drittijiet infurzabbli u effettivi fir-rigward tal-ipproċessar tad-data tagħhom fl-Unjoni ladarba dik id-data tkun trasferita sabiex jibqgħu jgawdu mid-drittijiet fundamentali u s-salvagwardji.

(114) In any case, where the Commission has taken no decision on the adequate level of data protection in a third country, the controller or processor should make use of solutions that provide data subjects with enforceable and effective rights as regards the processing of their data in the Union once those data have been transferred so that that they will continue to benefit from fundamental rights and safeguards.