Anonymous information<\/a><\/div>
Anonymous information<\/strong> is information which does not relate to an identified or identifiable natural person or to personal data<\/span>\u00a0rendered anonymous in such a manner that the\u00a0data subject<\/span>\u00a0is not or no longer identifiable.\r\n\r\nGDPR Recital 26<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
\u201eAuftragsverarbeiter<\/strong>\u201c eine nat\u00fcrliche oder juristische Person, Beh\u00f6rde, Einrichtung oder andere Stelle, die\u00a0personenbezogene Daten<\/span> im Auftrag des Verantwortlichen verarbeitet\r\n\r\nDSGVO Art. 4(8)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Authentication<\/b> -\u00a0provision of assurance that a claimed characteristic of an entity is correct.<\/span>\r\n\r\nISO 27000 2.7<\/span><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Authenticity<\/b> -\u00a0property that an entity is what it is claims to be.<\/span>\r\n\r\nISO 27000 2.8<\/span><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Autorit\u00e9 de contr\u00f4le<\/a><\/div>
\u00abAutorit\u00e9 de contr\u00f4le<\/strong>\u00bb signifie une autorit\u00e9 publique ind\u00e9pendante qui est institu\u00e9e par un \u00c9tat membre en vertu de l\u2019article 51.\r\n\r\nRGPD art. 4 (21)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Autorit\u00e9 de contr\u00f4le concern\u00e9e<\/a><\/div>
\u00abAutorit\u00e9 de contr\u00f4le concern\u00e9e<\/strong>\u00bb signifie une autorit\u00e9 de contr\u00f4le qui est concern\u00e9e par le traitement de donn\u00e9es \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel parce que:\r\n\r\na) le responsable du traitement ou le sous-traitant est \u00e9tabli sur le territoire de l\u2019\u00c9tat membre dont cette autorit\u00e9 de contr\u00f4le rel\u00e8ve;\r\n\r\nb) des personnes concern\u00e9es r\u00e9sidant dans l\u2019\u00c9tat membre de cette autorit\u00e9 de contr\u00f4le sont sensiblement affect\u00e9es par le traitement ou sont susceptibles de l\u2019\u00eatre; ou\r\n\r\nc) une r\u00e9clamation a \u00e9t\u00e9 introduite aupr\u00e8s de cette autorit\u00e9 de contr\u00f4le.\r\n\r\nRGPD art. 4 (22)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Availability\u00a0<\/b>-\u00a0property of being accessible and usable upon demand by an authorized entity.<\/span>\r\n\r\nISO 27000 2.9<\/span><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Betroffene Person<\/a><\/div>
\u201eBetroffene Person<\/strong>\u201c identifizierte oder identifizierbare nat\u00fcrliche Person. Als identifizierbar wird eine nat\u00fcrliche Person angesehen, die direkt oder indirekt, insbesondere mittels Zuordnung zu einer Kennung wie einem Namen, zu einer Kennnummer, zu Standortdaten, zu einer Online-Kennung oder zu einem oder mehreren besonderen Merkmalen, die Ausdruck der physischen, physiologischen, genetischen, psychischen, wirtschaftlichen, kulturellen oder sozialen Identit\u00e4t dieser nat\u00fcrlichen Person sind, identifiziert werden kann;\r\n\r\nDSGVO Art. 4(1)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Biometric data<\/a><\/div>
\u2018Biometric data<\/strong>\u2019 means personal data<\/span>\u00a0resulting from specific technical\u00a0processing<\/span> relating to the physical, physiological or behavioural characteristics of a natural person, which allow or confirm the unique identification of that natural person, such as facial images or dactyloscopic data.\r\n\r\nGDPR Art 4(14)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union<\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Confidentiality<\/b> -\u00a0property that information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities, or processes.<\/span>\r\n\r\nISO 27000 2.12<\/span><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Conformity<\/b> -\u00a0fulfilment of a requirement.<\/span>\r\n\r\nThe term \u201cconformance\u201d is synonymous but deprecated.<\/span>\r\n\r\nISO 27000 2.13<\/span><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
\u2018Consent<\/strong>\u2019 of the data subject<\/span>\u00a0means any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the\u00a0data subject<\/span>\u2019s wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the\u00a0processing<\/span>\u00a0of\u00a0personal data<\/span> relating to him or her.\r\n\r\nGDPR Art. 4(11)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
\u00abConsentement<\/strong>\u00bb de la personne concern\u00e9e signifie toute manifestation de volont\u00e9, libre, sp\u00e9cifique, \u00e9clair\u00e9e et univoque par laquelle la personne concern\u00e9e accepte, par une d\u00e9claration ou par un acte positif clair, que des donn\u00e9es \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel la concernant fassent l\u2019objet d\u2019un traitement.\r\n\r\nRGPD art. 4 (11)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Consequence<\/b> -\u00a0outcome of an event affecting objectives.<\/span>\r\n\r\nAn event can lead to a range of consequences.<\/span>\r\n\r\nA consequence can be certain or uncertain and in the context of information security is usually negative.<\/span>\r\n\r\nConsequences can be expressed qualitatively or quantitatively.<\/span>\r\n\r\nInitial consequences can escalate through knock-on effects.<\/span>\r\n\r\nISO 27000 2.14<\/span><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Data concerning health<\/a><\/div>
\u2018Data concerning health<\/strong>\u2019 means personal data<\/span>\u00a0related to the physical or mental health of a natural person, including the provision of health care services, which reveal information about his or her health status;\r\n\r\nGDPR Art. 4(15)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Data Controller<\/a><\/div>
\u2018Controller\u2019 means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria for its nomination may be provided for by Union or Member State law.\r\nGDPR Art. 4(7)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Data Processing<\/a><\/div>
\u2018Processing\u2019 means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction;\r\n\r\nGDPR Art.4(2)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Data Processor<\/a><\/div>
\u2018Processor<\/strong>\u2019 means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller.\r\nGDPR Art.4(8)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Data subject<\/a><\/div>
Data subject is an identified or identifiable natural person;\r\nAn identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;\r\nGDPR Art.4(1)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
\u00abDestinataire<\/strong>\u00bb signifie la personne physique ou morale, l\u2019autorit\u00e9 publique, le service ou tout autre organisme qui re\u00e7oit communication de donn\u00e9es \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel, qu\u2019il s\u2019agisse ou non d\u2019un tiers.\r\n\r\nRGPD art. 4 (9)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Donn\u00e9es \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel<\/a><\/div>
\u00abDonn\u00e9es \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel<\/strong>\u00bb signifie toute information se rapportant \u00e0 une personne physique identifi\u00e9e ou identifiable (ci-apr\u00e8s d\u00e9nomm\u00e9e \u00abpersonne concern\u00e9e\u00bb).\r\n\r\nRGPD art. 4 (1)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Donn\u00e9es biom\u00e9triques<\/a><\/div>
\u00abDonn\u00e9es biom\u00e9triques<\/strong>\u00bb signifie les donn\u00e9es \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel r\u00e9sultant d\u2019un traitement technique sp\u00e9cifique, relatives aux caract\u00e9ristiques physiques, physiologiques ou comportementales d\u2019une personne physique, qui permettent ou confirment son identification unique, telles que des images faciales ou des donn\u00e9es dactyloscopiques.\r\n\r\nRGPD art. 4 (14)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Donn\u00e9es concernant la sant\u00e9<\/a><\/div>
\u00abDonn\u00e9es concernant la sant\u00e9<\/strong>\u00bb signifie les donn\u00e9es \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel relatives \u00e0 la sant\u00e9 physique ou mentale d\u2019une personne physique, y compris la prestation de services de soins de sant\u00e9, qui r\u00e9v\u00e8lent des informations sur l\u2019\u00e9tat de sant\u00e9 de cette personne.\r\n\r\nRGPD art. 4 (15)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Donn\u00e9es g\u00e9n\u00e9tiques<\/a><\/div>
\u00abDonn\u00e9es g\u00e9n\u00e9tiques<\/strong>\u00bb signifie les donn\u00e9es \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel relatives aux caract\u00e9ristiques g\u00e9n\u00e9tiques h\u00e9r\u00e9ditaires ou acquises d\u2019une personne physique qui donnent des informations uniques sur la physiologie ou l\u2019\u00e9tat de sant\u00e9 de cette personne physique et qui r\u00e9sultent, notamment, d\u2019une analyse d\u2019un \u00e9chantillon biologique de la personne physique en question.\r\n\r\nRGPD art. 4 (13)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
Effectiveness<\/b> -\u00a0extent to which planned activities are realized and planned results achieved.<\/span>\r\n\r\nISO 27000 2.24<\/span><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
\u2018Enterprise<\/strong>\u2019 means a natural or legal person engaged in an economic activity, irrespective of its legal form, including partnerships or associations regularly engaged in an economic activity.\r\n\r\nGDPR Art. 4(18)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
\u00abEntreprise<\/strong>\u00bb signifie une personne physique ou morale exer\u00e7ant une activit\u00e9 \u00e9conomique, quelle que soit sa forme juridique, y compris les soci\u00e9t\u00e9s de personnes ou les associations qui exercent r\u00e9guli\u00e8rement une activit\u00e9 \u00e9conomique.\r\n\r\nRGPD art. 4 (18)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>
\u00c9tablissement principal<\/a><\/div>
\u00ab\u00c9tablissement principal<\/strong>\u00bb signifie\r\n\r\na) en ce qui concerne un responsable du traitement \u00e9tabli dans plusieurs \u00c9tats membres, le lieu de son administration centrale dans l\u2019Union, \u00e0 moins que les d\u00e9cisions quant aux finalit\u00e9s et aux moyens du traitement de donn\u00e9es \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel soient prises dans un autre \u00e9tablissement du responsable du traitement dans l\u2019Union et que ce dernier \u00e9tablissement a le pouvoir de faire appliquer ces d\u00e9cisions, auquel cas l\u2019\u00e9tablissement ayant pris de telles d\u00e9cisions est consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme l\u2019\u00e9tablissement principal;\r\n\r\nb) en ce qui concerne un sous-traitant \u00e9tabli dans plusieurs \u00c9tats membres, le lieu de son administration centrale dans l\u2019Union ou, si ce sous-traitant ne dispose pas d\u2019une administration centrale dans l\u2019Union, l\u2019\u00e9tablissement du sous-traitant dans l\u2019Union o\u00f9 se d\u00e9roule l\u2019essentiel des activit\u00e9s de traitement effectu\u00e9es dans le cadre des activit\u00e9s d\u2019un \u00e9tablissement du sous-traitant, dans la mesure o\u00f9 le sous-traitant est soumis \u00e0 des obligations sp\u00e9cifiques en vertu du pr\u00e9sent r\u00e8glement.\r\n\r\nRGPD art. 4 (16)<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/div>