Den registrerede har ret til at få urigtige personoplysninger om sig selv berigtiget af den dataansvarlige uden unødig forsinkelse. Den registrerede har under hensyntagen til formålene med behandlingen ret til få fuldstændiggjort ufuldstændige personoplysninger, bl.a. ved at fremlægge en supplerende erklæring.
(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII controllers.
Here is the relevant paragraph to article 16 GDPR:
7.3.6 Access, correction and/or erasure
The organization should implement policies, procedures and/or mechanisms to meet their obligations to PII principals to access, correct and/or erase their PII.
Implementation guidance
The organization should implement policies, procedures and/or mechanisms for enabling PII principals to obtain access to, correct and erase of their PII, if requested and without undue delay.
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(EN) The Council of Europe recommended, in 1973, that “inaccurate information” should be corrected in the context of data compiled in electronic data banks (Resolution on the Protection of the Privacy of Individuals vis-a-vis Electronic Data Banks in the Private Sector). So, it is not surprising that the European Union 2016 General Data Protection Regulation provides for a “right to rectification”. The surprise comes from the absence of guidance regarding the rights and responsibilities related to the exercise of that right.
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Data Subject Request Letter Sample
Concern: Request to rectify inaccurate personal data
Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
You have data concerning me that are inaccurate…
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Data Subject Request Letter Sample
Concern: Request to rectify incomplete personal data
Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
You have data concerning me that are incomplete…
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