RGPD > 19 pants. Pienākums ziņot par personas datu labošanu vai dzēšanu, vai apstrādes ierobežošanu
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19 pants VDAR. Pienākums ziņot par personas datu labošanu vai dzēšanu, vai apstrādes ierobežošanu

Pārzinis katram saņēmējam, kuram personas dati ir izpausti, ziņo par jebkuru personas datu labojumu vai dzēšanu vai apstrādes ierobežošanu, kas veikta saskaņā ar 16. pantu, 17. panta 1. punktu un 18. pantu, izņemot, ja izrādās, ka tas nav iespējams, vai ja tas ir saistīts ar nesamērīgi lielām pūlēm. Pārzinis informē datu subjektu par minētajiem saņēmējiem, ja datu subjekts to pieprasa.

Explication ISO 27701 Lignes directrices & Jurisprudence Laisser un commentaire

(EN) Article 19 includes a notification obligation, which should not be confused with the specific personal data breach notification obligation (article 33). It is a mechanism that gives full effect to other provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, ensuring that third parties are informed about actions taken by the controller regarding personal data (recital 66).


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Louis-Philippe Gratton
Louis-Philippe Gratton PhD, LLM
Expert en protection de la vie privée
ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII controllers.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 19 GDPR:

7.3.7 PII controllers’ obligations to inform third parties


The organization should inform third parties with whom PII has been shared of any modification, withdrawal or objections pertaining to the shared PII, and implement appropriate policies, procedures and/or mechanisms to do so.

Implementation guidance

The organization should take appropriate steps, bearing in mind the available technology, to inform third parties of any modification or withdrawal of consent, or objections pertaining to the shared PII.


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